Dogovor24 [Бета-версия]

by Dogovor24



Sign documents on the go using the official mobile application Contract24. "Contract24" will provide a convenient, and most importantly, secure process of signing documents via the Internet, integrated with the National Certification Center (NCC).You no longer need to look for a computer to sign a document, download an EDS certificate to your phone and sign documents in a couple of taps.The likelihood of unauthorized receipt of any information or data by third parties is completely excluded and the complete security of information is guaranteed.Why choose us?1. We do not store your EDS. All data is encrypted using SSL. The system does not store and does not have access to EDS keys and their passwords. The users password from the personal account is encrypted and only the user himself has access to it.2. Integrated with the NCA (National Certification Center), which ensures timely and proper verification of electronic digital signature certificates, as well as the authority of a person to sign a document.3. For registered users only. The 2-minute "convenience", to get access to a document without registration, is not worth the risk that confidential documents can be freely available, by the link it can be viewed by third-party people or intruders.4. 3 criteria for checking EDS. EDS is checked according to 3 criteria: Valid / Expired / Revoked. If the counterpartys EDS does not pass through one of the points, the system blocks the possibility of signing.